Our Team's Profile
Company Overview
Ma Web Technologies:ERP Manufacturing Based Company in Gurgoan India. We have young smart and enthusiastic minds getting together to take up exciting challenges in the virtual world of Internet. It is built on strong foundation of Technology Skill and Experience coming together with honesty, transparency and integrity. The ERP Manufacturing industry needs experts and we are here as ERP Development Agency to help businesses coming online to get promoted in major search engines such as Google,Yahoo. As ERP Agency, we offer Web Design, Web Development, search optimization, website optimization, and other client/server side optimization services to achieve top ranking in search engine results & get our clients valuable business. We want to crash your server, of course with Heavy Traffic.
Meenakshi Sharma - Project Manager

As Project Manager at Ma Web Technologies, Having led lots of development teams and projects.To begin with, there’s management of the project team. Technical workers are creative, productive, downright wonderful resources, but they need direction Most projects include many highly-specialized resources such as developers, analysts, testers, graphic designers, and website designing.
Amit Sharma - Managing Director

Amit brings a wealth of marketing and business experience to his role as Ma Web Technologies Director. After working on both the agency and the client side , Amit has a unique insight into how to make brands break through the clutter. His "big business" thinking, combined with traditional advertising and digital know-how, means he plays a vital role MA Web Technologies integrated online services.